About Ethiopia

Ethiopia is a country with a rich heritage, beautiful people and amazing scenery. The country is the oldest Christian nation, pre-dating Roman Christianity, and maintains some of the finest Christian sites in the world such as the rock hewn churches of Lalibela, the Ghion Church in Axum (which houses the Ark of the Covenant) and the spectacular Lake Tana monasteries, which are designated as World Heritage Sites.

a castle like structure with a balcony and a balcony
a castle like structure with a balcony and a balcony

The rock-hewn churches are probably the best-known attraction of Ethiopia. Here eleven medieval churches were cut and carved out of rocks. It is said they were built under King Lalibela who called them 'New Jerusalem' as at that time in the 12th century the Muslims had stopped the Christians from their pilgrimage to the holy land.

Gondar Castle

This building is also called Fasilides Castle as it was built by Emperor Fasilides in the 17th century. Gondar was then an important agricultural and trade center in Ethiopia.

The Blue Nile Falls

The Blue Nile Falls is one of Ethiopia's big attractions and are a must visit when in Bahir Dar, one of Ethiopia's biggest cities

Simien National Park

This national park in northern Ethiopia offers breathtaking views of the highland landscape. The plateau with mountain peaks up to 3 600 m/ 11 800 ft are quite a contrast to the much lower escarpment as there are steep cliffs and canyon-like gorges.

a waterfall in the middle of a lush green forest
a waterfall in the middle of a lush green forest
Lalibela rock-hewn church
Lalibela rock-hewn church
a mountain scene with a mountain range in the background
a mountain scene with a mountain range in the background